Saturday, May 11, 2013

Family as a System

The concept of viewing family as a system is interesting.   The word system is a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole.  This idea of family systems theory, suggests that people are not to live in isolation from each other.  We are meant to live with other people and to build relationships with them.  Each relationship is vital to the function of the system.  Personally I believe that the most important relationship is between the mother and father.  This relationship sets the foundation for all of the others.   The closer the husband and wife, the stronger the other relationships can be.  As parents, specifically, the bond between them will effect the rest of the family.  It's hard to parent alone, so that is why it's important to have the support from someone going through it with you.  It is important for children to see this bond.  It sets an example and precedent for future relationships in their life.  The more a husband and wife love each other, the stronger they will love their children together.  Studies have shown how important it is in their development for children to form attachments with their parents.  This should start from day one as newborn infants and continue to be nurtured throughout their life.  

 Our family system will never be perfect, but the best we can do is strive draw closer to our Father in Heaven.  He should be the basis in which we set our system.  The more we align our lives with His will, the more we can become unified in a greater purpose. 

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