Saturday, May 18, 2013

High or low?

So this week we talked a little about social class.  It is interesting to me that a lot of people in the United States view themselves as a certain social class, almost like a cast system.  They think they are better than someone else or more worthy, because they have more money or live in a certain area.  It is an interesting idea, but social class does effect the family.

If I were to classify my family's social class, I would probably peg us as somewhere in the middle.  We always had enough and sometimes a little more, but we didn't live luxuriously.  As a child, I never even thought about how much money we did or didn't have.  If we struggled, my parents never let me see it.  I think about children who were raised in a different social class and wonder how they would have been raised differently.  Of course I can't speak for them because I've never been there, but I imagine children in those atmospheres would have more concerns then I ever had to worry about.  Those who are in the lower class or poverty for example.  It would be hard as a parent to hide some of your concerns if you were worried about feeding or dressing your children each day.  Although children don't pick up everything, but they can pick up on parental stress, and it can heavily effect the children's stress levels.  On the other hand, how would a child be raised in a higher class?  I imagine their concerns would be different.  Although, whose to say who has the greater concern.

We are all children of a higher being.  It doesn't matter to our Father in Heaven whether you are rich or poor.  In his eyes, we are all royalty.  Although money is important, it is such an earthly concern.  Instead of looking down or up and judging people for what they do or do not have, think instead how Heavenly Father would see them.  No matter what your class, everyone can give and serve.  A lower class can serve a higher class. It all depends on your attitude towards people and how you are perceiving them.  We would all do will to live our lives as the Savior lived His.  Chris didn't have a social class.  He didn't look down on people and think they were unworthy of His presence, nor did he look up to people and think they were too high and mighty for His blessings.  He loved and served everyone.  Think of the example parents would set for their children if they had that mindset of what can we give today, instead of what can we get.  No matter where you are in class, your life will truly be blessed if you serve others with a heart full of love and charity.

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