Saturday, June 15, 2013

Infidelity or Eternity

Preventing infidelity within marriage is healthy (both spiritually and physically) and must be taken seriously.  Physically because fidelity can prevent the spread of HIV's and other sexually transmitted diseases  Spiritually because fidelity is a serious sin, it is one of the ten commandments, "Thou shalt not commit adultery," but often times it is overlooked.  In the Family: A Proclamation to the World, it states that, "God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife.”

Many people might think they are safe from the bonds of infidelity, but the reality is, it can happen to anyone.  In the article, "Infidelity: Protecting Our Marriages" by Scott Gardner and Christian Greiner, they say that there are four types of infidelity: fantasy, visual, romantic, and sexual.  Each is about as serious as the next, and each displays disloyal behavior.

Gardner and Greiner share this story:

    Once there were three men each trying to secure a job as a teamster (wagon driver). The freight      company only wanted to have the very best drivers for their wagons, so they gave each potential driver a test. The test was to drive a wagon up a steep mountain road where one side of the road was a cliff. The first driver, eager to show his superior skills as a driver, drove the wagon up the road with the wheel of the wagon right on the edge of the cliff. The second driver was even
more impressive; with great skill and dexterity he managed to drive the wagon up
the road with half the wagon wheel teetering over the edge of the cliff! The third
driver was not so talented and drove the wagon as far from the cliff as possible.
Who got the job? The third driver, of course.  

They go to say, "With wagons as well as with marriages, the moral of the story is the same: If our
cargo is truly precious (and it is), we will drive our wagon as far from the cliff as

Couples should set boundaries together.  These boundaries could include never driving in a car alone with the opposite.  Not sharing private messages at all, or at least without the spouse being included.  Not "hanging out." And so on.  Those are just some suggestions, each couple should prayerfully decide boundaries and limitations together.

Although not all instances of infidelity result in divorce.  Why risk it? Friends are never as important as your significant other.

Although I am not married, I plan on taking these precautions.  I want my marriage to be strong and long lasting through the eternities. I want to be fully committed to my spouse and vice versa.  Even the simplest things can result in infidelity, in most cases it is the simplest things.

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